Saturday, October 22, 2011

Canes, Crepes and Chutney

Array of canes at the craft bazaar
The big event of the day was the Craft Sale in Seaforde. We had been told there would be a "run" in Dundrum today so we should be prepared for that as we drove through. It was an 8 mile run and apparently a part of it was by the sea. As we sat in the "nook" of the great hall, we saw runners coming up the Murlough Drive and diverting at the boardwalk to go down to the sea. Driving through Dundrum wasn't too bad as most of the 600 runners had completed the race.

We arrived at Seaforde in just minutes. Clough is about a mile beyond Dundrum and Seaforde is just after Clough. The sale was held at the YFC building....Young Farmer's Club. Jenn's pies and breads did well, not a complete sell-out but a good start on her little business. Bebe and I enjoyed seeing the other crafts and foodstuffs. We bought chutney (Aubergine and Apricot, Rhubard and Ginger, and other varieties) and Butter Fudge..ummmm. I also bought a cane. I've begun a collection so wanted to add one from N. Ireland. I priced shillelaghs last year and they were dear! There was a stall with handcarved canes and walking sticks. The blackthorn was about 25 lbs (almost half the cost I saw in the souvenir shops). The one I selected is wild cherry and the handle is made from banksia nut.
Banksia Nut at back and cross section pieces.
We had a light lunch of tomato and cheese crepe! The crepe grill was huge and it was fascinating to watch her pour and smooth the batter for the thin, thin crepes! I would show you a pic of the Butter Fudge but alas, there is nothing left for that!

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